Oxford Dance Forum

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Marking an exciting development for Dance in Oxford!

The Oxford Dance Forum began as an informal network of local professional dance artists, providing a much-valued opportunity for dancers to meet, share ideas / projects and input into the wider spectrum of dance in the City. The Forum has now established its status as an independent organisation, encompassing the broad range of dance styles that exist within the City.

This marks a very exciting development for dance, on both a local and regional level. The Oxford Forum is already recognised as an example of good practice in the region and has inspired several dance agencies across the South East to develop a similar model.

'The Oxford Dance Forum exists to support the professional development of dance artists whose work is predominantly based in Oxford City. The organisation recognises, draws on and invests in the skills of individual dance artists. The Oxford Dance Forum celebrates diversity and dancers' individuality'. (Oxford Dance Forum Constitution)

A key aim of the Forum is to be an advocate for dance locally, regionally and nationally. There is currently a high level of dance activity in Oxford, and the Forum aims to raise the profile and visibility of dance in the City.

An important part of the Forum is its role in the professional development of dance artists, and its aim in developing a programme of training and performance opportunities for dance artists at all stages of their career. In collaboration with Swindon Dance / South East Dance (National Dance Agencies) and 'Independent Dance' in London, the Forum aims to attract dance artists from London and regionally to travel to Oxford and draw benefit from a high quality programme of professional development opportunities, co-ordinated with other dance agencies across the region.

To join the mailing list for the Oxford Dance Forum, please email Claire Thompson on cthompson@oxford.gov.uk. Please include some information about yourself and why you would like to join the list. Emails are circulated regularly with information about dance events in Oxford, regionally and nationally and it's the best way to become part of the strong community of dance artists based in and around Oxford. Dance artists are welcome to join the regular committee meetings of the ODF, details of which will be posted to the mailing list.

News / Events coming up.....

Moving with the Times: Professional Platform co-commissioned by Oxford Dance Forum and Pegasus

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  • Oxford Dance Forum and Pegasus have selected six Oxfordshire-based artists to present new work at a performance platform at Pegasus programmed as part of Dancin’ Oxford 2025. Ana Barbour, Anuradha Chaturvedi (Drishti Dance), Naomi Morris and live band Smilex, Josephine Lott (Firefly Dance Company), Hannah de Cancho and Paulette Mae are creating new work to be performed on March 10th/11th at Pegasus, 8pm. Each artist has received a bursary towards a mentor for the creative process. The event will showcase a range of dance styles and influences, and we hope that many ODF members will be able to come and support the re-kindling of a close relationship with Pegasus. Please see www.dancinoxford.co.uk for more details.

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